Price List
Self Funding/Uninsured Patients
New Consultation: £275
Review/Follow up Consultation: £200
Nasendoscopy: £300
Local Anaesthetic: £110
This is a minor procedure undertaken during the consultation. It involves your consultant inserting a long thin fibreoptic camera into your upper airway to enable them to examine your nose and throat fully. An outpatient nasendoscopy provides a vast amount of diagnostic information and often prevents the need for a diagnostic general anaesthetic.
Microsuction: £150
This is a procedure used to examine and remove debris from the ear canal, using an operating microscope and surgical suction equipment.
Skin and Allergy Testing: £50
This is a clinical testing procedure for type I allergy which is the mechanism that causes rhinitis and hayfever.
BUPA Insured patients
Bristol ENT Partnership charges within the BUPA guidelines. For more information on BUPA’s fees, please contact BUPA directly.
All Other Insured patientS
Bristol ENT Partnership charges to WPA guidelines. WPA publish their fees on their website so should you have any queries about the Partnership’s fee structure, please visit: